李元芳:报告大人,此人姓欧阳是这家公司的产品销售专员,联系方式:0592-5709825 手机:18030229053 QQ:2479261344 狄仁杰:元芳,尽快安排采购,事成之后待我禀明圣上,定有重赏... 咨询热线:18030229053 0592-5709825(欧工) 诚信经营,质量为首,诚信至上,福建光沃达竭诚为您服务 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` 福建光沃自动化设备有限公司 《联系人;欧先生》 《座机:0592-5709825》 《传真:0592-5917519》 《24小时热线:18030229053微信同步》 《QQ :2479261344》 《QQ邮箱》 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *所有备件的质保期均为1年,经过专业测试认证。 *如果您需要订购产品超过1件,请与我们联系,我们可以为您提供折扣。 *我们仅采用快递方式递送备件。(顺丰) *如果您发现其他供货商为相同产品提供更为低廉的价格,我们也愿意参照其价格向您提供进一步的折扣。如果还有其他任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 *请让我们知道您有任何,备品,备件,的需要,我们可以给您进一步的援助,我们等候您的询盘。
SM-I/O LITE I/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input
SM-I/O LITEI/O Lite Solutions Module - (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incremental Encoder Speed Reference input
SM-I/O PLUSI/O Solutions Module High Performance (2) +/- 10V analog input (1) +/- 10V output (3) digital inputs (3) programmable digital I/O (2) relay output
SM-I/O TIMERI/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input
SM-I/O TIMERI/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input
SM-I/O TIMER I/O Lite Solutions Module w/real time clock for scheduling events (1) +/- 10V Bi-polar or 4-20mA input (3) digital inputs (1) 0-10V or 4-20mA output (1) relay output (1) Incl Enc Spd Ref input
SMIB-UGSM-Interbus-S User Guide
SM-INTERBUSInterbus-S Solutions Module
SM-INTERBUSInterbus-S Solutions Module
SM-INTERBUSInterbus-S Solutions Module
SM-KEYPADLED Keypad 7 digit LED data display Configured for Unidrive SP
SM-KEYPAD PLUS LCD Keypad back-lit dual language on-screen help remote mountable
SMPB-UG SM-Profibus User Guide
SM-PELVPELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications
SM-PELV PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications
SM-PELV PELV Solutions Module - Isolated I/O to NAMUR NE37 specification for chemical industry applications
SM-PROFIBUS Profibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only
SM-PROFIBUSProfibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only
SM-PROFIBUSProfibus-DP Solutions Module - Fieldbus Option Only
SM-RESOLVERResolver Solutions Module providing a resolver feedback port w/simulated encoder output
SM-SERCOSSERCOS Solutions Module
SM-SLMSLM Solutions Module
SMUE-UGSM-Uni Encoder User Guide
SM-UNI ENCODERUniversal Encoder Plus Solutions Module provides an additional increamental or Absolute encoder feedback port and simulated encoder output.
SM-WinderSM Speed and Torque Based Centerwind Preprogrammed Option Module
SNCDD-001.5mso-spacerun: yes> Sync in/out cable 7 Pin Mini-DIN connector on one end and an 8 Pin Mini -DIN connector on the other 1.5 ft Length (FM3/4 to FM3/4)
SP1201-LCDUnidrive SP with LCD Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp) Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
SP1201-LEDUnidrive SP with LED Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp) Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
SP1201-NKPUnidrive SP without Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 5.2A (1.5hp) Heavy Duty - 4.3A (1hp)
SP1202-LCDUnidrive SP with LCD Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp) Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
SP1202-LEDUnidrive SP with LED Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp) Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
SP1202-NKPUnidrive SP without Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 6.8A (2hp) Heavy Duty - 5.8A (1.5hp)
SP1203-LCDUnidrive SP with LCD Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp) Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
SP1203-LEDUnidrive SP with LED Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp) Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
SP1203-NKPUnidrive SP without Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 9.6A (3hp) Heavy Duty - 7.5A (2hp)
SP1204-LCDUnidrive SP with LCD Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp) Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
SP1204-LEDUnidrive SP with LED Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp) Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
SP1204-NKPUnidrive SP without Keypad 230Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 11A (3hp) Heavy Duty - 10.6A (3hp)
SP1401-LCDUnidrive SP with LCD Keypad 460Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp) Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)
SP1401-LEDUnidrive SP with LED Keypad 460Vac Max Cont Output Current (hp): Normal Duty - 2.8A (1.5hp) Heavy Duty - 2.1A (1hp)